Understanding Fiduciary Duties: Legal Obligations

In the realm of law and business, fiduciary duties serve as the cornerstone of trust and responsibility. These duties, often associated with roles such as trustees, directors, and agents, establish a legal obligation to act in the best interests of another party. Understanding fiduciary duties from a legal perspective is crucial, as failure to fulfill these duties can lead to serious consequences, including legal liability and financial penalties.

What are Fiduciary Duties?

Fiduciary duties encompass a set of legal obligations that require individuals to prioritize the interests of another party over their own. The key elements of fiduciary duties include loyalty, care, and obedience. Let’s delve into each of these components:

1. Loyalty: Fiduciaries must demonstrate unwavering loyalty to the individuals or entities they serve. This means avoiding conflicts of interest, refraining from self-dealing, and always acting in the best interests of the beneficiaries.

2. Care: Fiduciaries are required to exercise a high standard of care and diligence in managing the affairs of others. This entails making informed decisions, conducting due diligence, and seeking professional advice when necessary.

3. Obedience: Fiduciaries must comply with all relevant laws, regulations, and instructions governing their roles. This includes adhering to the terms of trust agreements, corporate bylaws, or agency agreements.

Legal Framework for Fiduciary Duties

The legal framework surrounding fiduciary duties varies depending on the nature of the relationship and the jurisdiction. However, there are common principles and standards that apply across different contexts:

1. Common Law: Fiduciary duties are primarily governed by common law principles, which have evolved through judicial decisions over time. Courts often rely on precedent and legal doctrines to interpret and enforce fiduciary obligations.

2. Statutory Law: In addition to common law principles, statutory law may prescribe specific fiduciary duties in certain contexts. For example, corporate laws typically outline directors’ duties of care and loyalty, while trust laws establish obligations for trustees.

3. Enforcement Mechanisms: Violations of fiduciary duties can result in legal action, including lawsuits for breach of fiduciary duty. Remedies for breach may include monetary damages, equitable relief, or removal from fiduciary positions.

Fiduciary Duties in Different Contexts

Fiduciary duties arise in various contexts, each with its own set of obligations and responsibilities:

1. Corporate Governance: Corporate directors owe fiduciary duties to shareholders, requiring them to make decisions in the best interests of the company. This includes duty of care, duty of loyalty, and duty of good faith.

2. Trust Administration: Trustees are fiduciaries entrusted with managing trust assets for the benefit of beneficiaries. They must prudently invest assets, avoid conflicts of interest, and act impartially.

3. Agency Relationships: Agents have fiduciary duties to their principals, such as loyalty, obedience, and disclosure. They must act solely for the benefit of the principal and avoid self-dealing or unauthorized actions.


Fiduciary duties play a critical role in safeguarding the interests of individuals, organizations, and beneficiaries. From corporate directors to trustees and agents, fiduciaries are bound by legal obligations to act with loyalty, care, and obedience. Understanding these duties from a legal perspective is essential for ensuring compliance, accountability, and trust in fiduciary relationships. By upholding fiduciary duties, individuals and entities can fulfill their obligations ethically and mitigate the risk of legal liability.

Ready to ensure compliance and navigate fiduciary duties with confidence? Reach out to our office today for expert legal assistance. Whether you’re a corporate director, trustee, or agent, our experienced team is here to provide tailored guidance and support. Don’t delay – call us now to schedule a consultation and secure peace of mind in fulfilling your fiduciary obligations.

By: Roy Schneider, Esq.

Protect Your Workplace, Protect Your Employees: Implement SB 553 Now! California’s New SB 553 Requires Workplace Violence Policy by July 1, 2024

According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (“OSHA”), workplace violence is the second leading cause of fatal occupational injuries in the United States, affecting nearly 2 million American workers annually. SB 553 addresses workplace violence by requiring employers to implement basic protections to protect employees while at work. Effective July 1, 2024, SB 553 will require virtually every California employer to implement a comprehensive workplace violence prevention plan. The new law does not have an implementation grace period.

California Senate Bill 553 (SB 553), which was signed into law on September 30, 2023, amended Labor Code section 6401.7 to require employers to develop and implement a workplace violence prevention plan in accordance with newly codified Labor Code section 6401.9, which sets out the requirements for the plan. “Workplace violence” is defined as “any act of violence or threat of violence that occurs in a place of employment that results in, or has a high likelihood of resulting in, injury, psychological trauma, or stress, regardless of whether the employee sustains an injury.

Starting July 1, 2024, California employers must establish, implement, and maintain a Workplace Violence Prevention Plan (which can be included in the IIPP or standalone) that includes:

  • Prohibiting employee retaliation.
  • Accepting and responding to reports of workplace violence.
  • Employee workplace violence training and communication.
  • Emergency response.
  • Workplace violence hazard assessments.
  • Other requirements, such as maintaining a Violent Incident Log.

Who is covered?  

All California employees and employers are covered by SB 533 with the following notable exemptions:  

  • Places of employment where less than 10 employees are working at any given time, and the location is not accessible by the public. The location must also be in compliance with Cal/OSHA’s Injury and Illness Prevention Program Standard which requires a safe and healthy office space.  
  • Employees teleworking from a location of their choice that is not under the employer’s control. *  
  • Healthcare facilities already covered by Cal/OSHA’s Workplace Violence in Healthcare Standard. 
  • Law enforcement agencies and several other facilities outlined by SB 553.  

Creating a workplace violence prevention plan:

Labor Code section 6401.9 outlines the elements of a workplace violence prevention plan required by section 6401.7:

  • Every covered employer is required to establish, implement, and maintain an effective workplace violence prevention plan.
  • The plan needs to include, among other things, the following:
    • The names of persons responsible for its implementation.
    • Effective procedures for employee involvement in developing and implementing the plan.
    • Methods to coordinate implementation of the plan with other employers, when applicable.
    • Procedures for employers to handle and respond to reports of workplace violence, while ensuring no retaliation against the reporting employee.
    • Procedures to ensure compliance from employees, including supervisors. Procedures to communicate with employees regarding workplace violence matters.
    • Emergency response protocols.
    • Training provisions.
    • Procedures to timely correct workplace violence hazards identified and evaluated.
    • Procedures for post-incident response and investigation.
  • The plan must be in effect at all times and in all work areas and be specific to the hazards and corrective measures for each work area and operation.
  • The written plan may be incorporated as a standalone section in the written injury and illness prevention program required by investigation findings or be in a separate document.
  • The incident report will include information relating to the date, time, location of incident, detailed description, circumstances at the time, the consequences of the incident including any involvement law enforcement, and the steps taken to protect employees from further threat or hazards. It will be signed and dated with the name and title of the person completing the report.
  • Employers must exclude personal identifying information that would identify any person involved in a violent incident.

Annual Trainings and Reporting:

Moving forward, employers in California will need to provide training at the time of hire and on an annual basis. *While the law exempts remote employees, a best practice is to involve all employees in the training, as a primary objective of the law is to proactively determine workplace violence hazards prior to a violent incident occurring.

Additionally, certain training records must be maintained for one to five years, depending on the type of record. The required training also must be conducted when the plan is first established and annually thereafter and for new hires. Additional training must be provided when a new or previously unrecognized workplace violence hazard has been identified and when changes are made to the plan.

The initial training must include:

  • The employer’s plan, how to obtain a copy of the employer’s plan at no cost, and how to participate in development and implementation of the employer’s plan.  
  • Training for managers and all employees.
  • How to report workplace violence incidents or concerns to the employer or law enforcement.
  • Workplace violence hazards specific to employees’ jobs, corrective measures the employer has implemented, how to seek assistance to prevent or respond to violence, and strategies to avoid physical harm.
  • The violent incident log and how to obtain copies of required records.
  • An opportunity for interactive questions and answers with a person knowledgeable about the employer’s plan.

Finally, employers must create and maintain training records for a minimum of one year, and the following records must be maintained for a minimum of five years:

  • Records of workplace violence hazard identification, evaluation and correction.
  • Violent incident logs.
  • Records of workplace violence incident investigations.

Employers must make required records available to Cal/OSHA, and records of workplace violence hazard identification, evaluation, correction, training records and violent incident logs must be made available to employees upon request.

The employment law attorneys at Schneiders & Associates, LLP, are available to answer your questions and assist you in developing and implementing your Workplace Violence Prevention Plan. Contact us today to learn more about SB 553 and how we can help you comply with the new requirements. Together, let’s prioritize workplace safety and protect your most valuable asset – your employees.”

By: Sharvani Navangul

Issues in Real Estate TDS Disclosures

So you’re selling your house and it’s time to fill out the Transfer Disclosure Statement (“TDS”) required under California Civil Code section 1102 et seq. Your real estate agent should assist you in racking your brain, and searching your files, for any issues you experienced that could possibly fall within the questions asked in the TDS.

It’s not in your economic interest to paper over any issues. Paper them instead! Fill out the TDS like you’d want to read it again five or ten years—because you might have to when your buyer sues you for failure to disclose and all you can remember is a raft of boxes checked “no.”

If you get sued, you have a few ways to defend. First, perhaps the offending issue was obvious to the naked eye. The general rule here is that the purchaser is permitted to rely upon material factual representations affirmatively made as true by or on behalf of a seller only if the facts are normally not within the purchaser’s knowledge but are reasonably within the knowledge of the seller. If the buyer had as much information as the seller, then this information put them on notice to study the property’s history of construction and permitting. The buyers could have and should have satisfied themselves of the issues they now complain of.  

Second, perhaps all those “no” checks were accurate at the time the disclosures were made. The TDS law (Cal. Civ. Code § 1102.5) states:

       (a) If information disclosed in accordance with this article is subsequently rendered inaccurate as a result of any act, occurrence, or agreement subsequent to the delivery of the required disclosures, any inaccuracy resulting therefrom does not constitute a violation of this article.

 Third, TDS may have been reasonable and justified. The TDS law (Cal. Civ. Code § 1102.4) states:

(a) Neither the seller nor any seller’s agent or buyer’s agent shall be liable for any error, inaccuracy, or omission of any information delivered pursuant to this article if the error, inaccuracy, or omission was not within the personal knowledge of the seller or that listing or buyer’s agent, was based on information timely provided by public agencies or by other persons providing information as specified in subdivision (c) that is required to be disclosed pursuant to this article, and ordinary care was exercised in obtaining and transmitting it.

Fourth, and most importantly, the statutes of limitations expires two years after the sale if buyer is suing for fraud, and four years after the sale if buyer is suing for breach of contract. As stated in Parsons v. Tickner (1995) 31 Cal. App. 4th 1513, 1525, “When the plaintiff has notice or information of circumstances to put a reasonable person on inquiry, or has the opportunity to obtain knowledge from sources open to [her] investigation (such as public records or corporation books), the statute commences to run.” (citing 3 Witkin, Cal.Procedure (3d ed. 1985) Actions, § 454, pp. 484–485.) If buyers were on notice to check the property’s history, and did not do so, they haven’t acted with reasonable diligence to protect their interests.

By: Kathleen J. Smith

The Age of Social Media – Why Your Estate Plan Should Include Digital Assets

Today, more of our lives are being conducted digitally by email, blogs, social media accounts, computer storage of digital pictures and online bank and investment accounts. However, many individuals may not realize that these digital assets are an essential consideration in estate planning. 

Currently, some states such as California, Florida and Michigan have enacted laws concerning the treatment of digital assets in an estate plan. At the same time, some technology companies have created procedures for accounts to be shut down after a user’s death. 

Google’s Inactive Account Manager feature, for example, allows a user to designate a trusted person as manager of a Google service once it becomes inactive. The manager can obtain access to the user’s emails, videos, and data in the account, download the data, and the account can be deleted.  In addition, Facebook has a feature that allows a user to select a “legacy contract” naming a family member or friend to manage the account after the user’s death and arrange to have the account permanently deleted.

Despite these features, many individuals tend not to think about death when they are engaging in social media, sharing photos, or tweeting their latest random observation on Twitter. Although this aspect of trusts and estate law is largely unsettled, there are steps that can be taken now to protect digital assets. 

In a typical estate plan, an executor or a trustee is named to manage and distribute a person’s assets after he or she dies, and digital assets should be included in that determination. Regardless of who is selected to act in this capacity, this individual must have access to the passwords for all online accounts. 

At the same time, this information should not be included in a will, since that is a public document that is filed in court. 

Instead, the will or trust should provide instructions on the management of digital assets. This requires creating an inventory of all online email and social media accounts, memberships, bank and investment accounts, and subscriptions. That list should also identify web addresses, user id’s, passwords, and account numbers. The executor or trustee should also be provided with this information and guidance on how to handle these accounts.

Because this area of law is evolving, it is crucial to work with an experienced estate planning attorney at Schneiders & Associates, LLP, who can help protect your digital assets and ensure your plan adheres to any applicable state laws.

By: Roy Schneider, Esq.

Divorce Mediation: An Alternative to Litigation in Dissolution of Marriage Cases

Advantages of Mediation

Divorce or legal separation can be one of the most difficult and traumatic life experiences. This is particularly true when divorce is an adversarial, court driven process. Mediationa valuable alternative to litigation—is non adversarial. It is client driven, private, confidential, and less expensive than other forms of resolution. Instead of the court making major life decisions about the future of the parties and their children, mediation offers a neutral third-party, the mediator, to help guide the parties through the uncontested divorce to make their own decisions in reaching a fair and equitable resolution.

Role of a Mediator

A certified mediator is a neutral, unbiased professional who assists divorcing spouses reach a fair and equitable agreement based on their unique personal circumstances. To maximize the quality of time with the mediator and minimize the expense of the mediation process the mediator will require the parties’ cooperation and full disclosure. During the mediation process the mediator is not acting as an attorney and is not representing either or both spouses. Nor does the mediator impose any decision upon them. When the parties reach full agreement on the terms and conditions of all the relevant issues the mediator will prepare a marital settlement agreement.

Role of the Parties

Mediation is most effective when both parties to the divorce voluntarily decide to resolve issues within the marital estate to work out the terms and conditions under which they choose to be divorced. Because mediation is voluntary either spouse may choose to end the mediation process at any time. Full disclosure of the parties’ financial worth and assets is essential. While professionals—accountants, appraisers, independent legal counsel, or others—may be used as advisors, each spouse must accept full responsibility for the reasonable accuracy of the value of their assets. All marital property issues and other marital issues raised during the mediation process are confidential.  Hence, the parties must agree not to  disclose what is said against the other in any pending or subsequent litigation, except as required by law.

The Mediation Process

The uncontested divorce is a two-step process: 1.Participate in mediation; 2. Finalize in court. Under no-fault divorce observed in California the court only requires the spouse who files the petition to state the divorce is based on irreconcilable differences. Thus, only relevant issues are resolved. Grounds that blame the other spouse for the breakdown of the marriage are no longer at issue.

Generally, there are about 20 to 25 issues that require resolution. Because the courts are not directly involved the parties have the right to decide how they want to divide the marital estate assuming the distribution is fair, equitable and consistent with California community property law. If there are minor or dependent children both the physical and legal custody of the child should be determined based upon the best interests of the child. California statutes, however, govern the amount of child support each parent is required by law to pay.

After each issue has been agreed to and/or resolved, the mediator drafts a marital settlement agreement. The parties are encouraged to have separate independent counsel review the agreement although such review is not mandatory.

Litigation vs. Mediation

When spouses seeking  dissolution of their marriage refuse to agree or compromise on  material property issues, child custody or support, or even matters of lesser weight and importance they are faced with a battle in the Family Law Court. Unlike mediation where the process is self-determinative, the judge makes decisions for people who cannot make decisions for themselves. The court process is guided by law. Whereas the mediation process is guided by the mediator helping the parties make sound, fair decisions. Contested court hearings can cost each spouse many tens of thousands of dollars in attorneys’ fees, involve extensive discovery through interrogatories and requests for production of documents and be drawn out over many months and sometimes years. Those seeking dissolution of marriage who can make decisions for themselves, therefore, would be wise to decide to use the mediation process a with a certified mediator.

By: Georgianna Pennington Regnier, Certified Divorce Mediator

Contact Our Office

Attorney Georgianna Pennington Regnier lends her mediation skills to clients who are divorcing and want to avoid the trauma and expense of having divorce litigated in the courtroom. If you wish to meet with Georgianna, please contact our office at (805) 764-6370.

What To Do When You Have a Deceased Adversary?

California litigation can take years to resolve, even with case management rules which can put the parties on a quick timeline towards trial. If your adversary dies before the case resolves, what do you do? That depends. If your dispute is particularly acrimonious, you might be tempted to celebrate. That’s fine, but don’t let it get in the way of protecting your right to recover or escape.

California Code of Civil Procedure section 377.31 empowers the decedent’s personal representative to substitute in for the decedent plaintiff or cross-complainant. How long after the death can the representative wait? There are cases where the dismissal for failure to prosecute occurred within 8 months or so of the death.

Section 377.31 states:

On motion after the death of a person who commenced an action or proceeding, the court shall allow a pending action or proceeding that does not abate to be continued by the decedent’s personal representative or, if none, by the decedent’s successor in interest.

Section 377.31 states:

On motion after the death of a person who commenced an action or proceeding, the court shall allow a pending action or proceeding that does not abate to be continued by the decedent’s personal representative or, if none, by the decedent’s successor in interest.

Section 377.31 states:

On motion after the death of a person who commenced an action or proceeding, the court shall allow a pending action or proceeding that does not abate to be continued by the decedent’s personal representative or, if none, by the decedent’s successor in interest.

(a) The court may in its discretion dismiss an action for delay in prosecution pursuant to this article on its own motion or on motion of the defendant if to do so appears to the court appropriate under the circumstances of the case.

(b) Dismissal shall be pursuant to the procedure and in accordance with the criteria prescribed by rules adopted by the Judicial Council.

If you are the plaintiff, you can continue to pursue your case can be asserted against the decedent’s personal representative or, to the extent provided by statute, against the decedent’s successor in interest. (C.C.P. 377.40) You do need to make sure you’ve submitted a creditor’s claim in the decedent’s probate though. Section 377.41 states:

On motion, the court shall allow a pending action or proceeding against the decedent that does not abate to be continued against the decedent’s personal representative or, to the extent provided by statute, against the decedent’s successor in interest, except that the court may not permit an action or proceeding to be continued against the personal representative unless proof of compliance with Part 4 (commencing with Section 9000) of Division 7 of the Probate Code governing creditor claims is first made.

And you won’t be able to recover punitive damages once your defendant dies. Section 377.42 states:

In an action or proceeding against a decedent’s personal representative or, to the extent provided by statute, against the decedent’s successor in interest, on a cause of action against the decedent, all damages are recoverable that might have been recovered against the decedent had the decedent lived except damages recoverable under Section 3294 of the Civil Code or other punitive or exemplary damages.

Questions? Call Us Today!

If you have questions about litigation involving a deceased person, probate or estate planning, contact our office to schedule an appointment.

By: Kathleen J. Smith, Esq.


It’s time for another update on the current COVID-19 legislation and what impact the 2022 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave (“SPSL”) will have on California employers. California’s new SPSL officially took effect on February 19, 2022; however, it is retroactive to January 1, 2022. The SPSL provides for two separate 40-hour banks of leave: one for testing and isolating, and a second bank for employees or family members who test positive for COVID-19.

Below we have highlighted some of the more relevant sections that employers need to familiarize themselves with in order to avoid the potential for liability stemming from its handling of COVID-19 leaves of absence.

  1. How long will the SPSL govern employers’ obligations to its employees and their family members who are affected by COVID-19?

The SPSL is in effect from January 1, 2022 through September 30, 2022.

  • To which Employers does the SPSL apply?

All employers with 26 or more employees.

  • What are the scenarios in which an employee can request leave under the SPSL?

The 2022 SPSL provides for two separate banks of leave, both of which may total 40 hours.

First, SPSL is available to employees who cannot work (including working remotely) due to the any of the three following reasons: (a) Caring for themselves. This includes the employee who is subject to an isolation period or quarantine related to COVID-19, has been advised by a medical professional to isolate or quarantine, or who is experiencing COVID-19 symptoms. (b) Caring for a family member. An employee who is caring for a family member who is subject to an isolation period or quarantine related to COVID-19, has been advised by a medical professional to isolate or quarantine, or who is experiencing COVID-19 symptoms. (c) Vaccine or booster. An employee or a family member of an employee who has an appointment for a COVID-19 vaccine or booster, or experiences vaccine-related side effects.

Second, an employee or family member of an employee who tests positive for COVID-19.

  • When does an employer have to make the leave available to employees who request time off due to COVID-19?

Immediately upon written or oral request by the employee.

  • What notice must an employer provide to its employees?

Employers are required to display the 2022 COVID-19 SPSL poster at the workplace where employees can easily locate and read it. For example, employers should post the SPSL poster in the breakroom or other common areas where similar health and safety information is located.

If an employee works off-site or works remotely, then the employer must send the required information via email (or other electronic means such as an employee portal or dashboard).

  • Can the employee ask for retroactive pay SPSL if they took a leave prior to February 19, 2022?

Yes. If employees used sick leave prior to February 19, 2022, and did not receive compensation, they are entitled to pay, at their regular, straight-time wage. In order to qualify for the entire 80 hours of leave (40 hours in each of the two banks of leave), an employee must have worked an average of at least 40 hours per week in the two weeks prior to taking the leave.

If the employee receives retroactive pay for leave taken for a qualifying reason prior to February 19, 2022, then the employer can reduce the number of hours from that employee’s corresponding bank of hours.

  • What information must be contained in the employee’s paystub if they take leave pursuant to the 2022 COVID-19 SPSL?

If an employee takes leave under the SPSL, those hours must be itemized on the employee’s wage statement (paystub) for the pay period during which the leave was taken. This itemized line must be separate and distinct from other forms of leave available to the employee, including the 24 hours of “regular sick leave” and any accrued vacation. 

  • What type of COVID-19 test is required for an employee to qualify for leave under the SPSL?

Any COVID-19 test is acceptable, including an over-the-counter “at-home” (rapid test) or a test from a testing facility.

  • Can the employer require documentation from a medical professional when an employee requests to take leave for a qualifying reason?

Yes, in three situations.

First, if the employee is requesting retroactive pay from the period of January 1, 2022 through February 19, 2022.

Second, when an employee uses more than three days (or 24 hours) of leave for a single vaccination or booster appointment. A note from a medical professional stating that the side effects lasted longer than three days will suffice.

Third, when the employee seeks leave from the 40-hour bank designated for employees (or their family member(s)) who tested positive for COVID-19. If the employee fails to provide a positive test within a reasonable time, the employer can deny pay for the leave taken by the employee.

  1. Are there limits to how much SPSL an employee can use for receiving the vaccine or booster?

Yes, as described above, the maximum leave an employee can use for a vaccination or vaccine appointment is 24 hours. The employee does not have to use his or her 24 hours consecutively. For example, an employee could use four hours to receive a vaccine and then return to work if they are not suffering any died effects from the vaccination. The same employee could use the remaining 36 hours for subsequent vaccination or booster appointments, or if they suffer side effects from either of the latter appointments.

By: Christopher Correa, Esq.

Schneiders & Associates Offers Free Employment Law Update Webinar!

The new year will be full of changes. Prepare for 2022 with our help! Join us for a FREE virtual employment law update seminar to learn about new employment law changes in 2022, including COVID-19 employment law updates. Partners Roy and Ted Schneider will discuss in detail, the changes the new year will bring and help you prepare for the road ahead! Tuesday, January 25, 2022 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Via Zoom. Register today! Please note: MCLE credit is available for this seminar. Attorneys that wish to receive MCLE credit may contact Angela Mumme via email at amumme@rstlegal.com to register.

Enforceability of Arbitration Agreements in Employee Handbooks

There is no law that state that companies must have employee handbooks or how often an employee handbook should be updated. However, crafting an employee handbook and frequently reviewing and updating employee handbooks are good ideas once a company has more than two employees. In addition, employers may consider implementing an arbitration agreement within their employee handbook and obtain a signed receipt and acknowledgment form from each employee, showing receipt and understanding of the handbook.

On August 26, 2020, in the case of Conyer v. Hula Media Services, LLC. Et al., the California Court of Appeal reversed a trial court ruling invalidating an arbitration agreement contained within an employee handbook. Plaintiff employee Michael Conyer singed and acknowledged receipt of his employer’s, Hula Media Services, employee handbook. The signed acknowledgement read as follows:

“This is to acknowledge that I have received a copy of the Employee Handbook. This Handbook sets forth the terms and conditions of my employment as well as the right, duties, responsibilities and obligations of my employment with the Company. I understand and agree that it is my responsibility to read and familiarize myself with all of the provisions of the Handbook. I further understand and agree that I am bound by the provisions of the handbook. I understand the Company has the right to amend, modify, rescind, delete, supplement or add to the provisions of this Handbook, as it deems appropriate from time to time in its sole and absolute discretion.”

When Conyer was terminated two months later, he sued Hula for claims under the Fair Employment and Housing Act for unreimbursed business expenses. Hula filed a motion to move the case from court to an arbitrator pursuant to the arbitration agreement in the employee handbook. The trial court denied Hula’s motion and kept the case in court. Hula appealed the decision. Conyer argued that Hula never mentioned the arbitration agreement. The Court of Appeal ruled that in California a party is bound by a contract even if he did not read the contract before signing it.

This case highlights the importance of frequently reviewing and updating employee handbooks and including employee receipt and acknowledgment forms. Employers can update any policy within their handbooks at any time without prior notice to employees. Revised versions of the handbook should be provided to all employees and a new signed receipt and acknowledgment obtained.  

The employment law attorneys at Schneiders & Associates, L.L.P. work with employers of all sizes to develop a tailored and specific employee handbook. Whether you are contemplating crafting an employee handbook for your business, or would like us to review or update your existing handbook, contact our office to request an Employee Handbook Questionnaire and to schedule an appointment to discuss your company’s policies and handbook needs.

By: Ted Schneider, Esq.

Important Issues to Consider When Setting Up Your Estate Plan

Often estate planning focuses on the “big picture” issues, such as who gets what, whether a living trust should be created to avoid probate and tax planning to minimize gift and estate taxes. However, there are many smaller issues, which are just as critical to the success of your overall estate plan. Below are some of the issues that are often overlooked by clients and sometimes their attorneys. 

Cash Flow 
Is there sufficient cash? Estates incur operating expenses throughout the administration phase. The estate in California may have to pay federal estate taxes, filing fees, living expenses for a surviving spouse or other dependents, cover regular expenses to maintain assets held in the estate, and various legal expenses associated with settling the estate. 

How will taxes be paid? Although the estate may be small enough to avoid federal estate taxes, there are other taxes which must be paid. If the estate is earning income, it must pay income taxes until the estate is fully settled. Income taxes are paid from the liquid assets held in the estate; however, estate taxes could be paid by either the estate or from each beneficiary’s inheritance if the underlying assets are liquid. 

What, exactly, is held in the estate? The owner of the estate certainly knows this information, but estate administrators, successor trustees and executors may not have certain information readily available. A notebook or list documenting what major items are owned by the estate should be left for the estate administrator. It should also include locations and identifying information, including serial numbers and account numbers. 

Your estate can’t be settled until all creditors have been paid. As with your assets, be sure to leave your estate administrator a document listing all creditors and account numbers. Be sure to also include information regarding where your records are kept, in the event there are disputes regarding the amount the creditor claims is owed. 

Beneficiary Designations 
Some assets are not subject to the terms of a will or trust. Instead, they are transferred directly to a beneficiary according to the instruction made on a beneficiary designation form. Bank accounts, life insurance policies, annuities, retirement plans, IRAs and most motor vehicles departments allow you to designate a beneficiary to inherit the asset upon your death. By doing so, the asset is not included in the probate estate and simply passes to your designated beneficiary by operation of law. 

Fund Your Living Trust 
Your probate-avoidance living trust will not keep your estate out of the probate court unless you formally transfer your assets into the trust. Only assets which are legally owned by the trust are subject to its terms. Title to your real property, vehicles, investments and other financial accounts should be transferred into the name of your living trust. 

If you have any questions regarding estate planning, please do not hesitate to contact an Estate Planning Attorney at Schneiders & Associates, LLP for advice and counsel.

By: Roy Schneider, Esq.