Ventura County Employment Law Attorney, Ted Schneider, Comments on the New Federal Overtime Rules Issued May 18, 2016 under the Fair Labor Standards Act

By: Ted Schneider, Esq. On Wednesday, May 18th, the U.S. Department of Labor released their final overtime rules under the Fair Labor Standards Act. Salary Under the new rules, effective December 1, 2016, the annual salary threshold at which an employee in California can be considered exempt from overtime pay will be substantially...
Ventura County Employment Law Attorney, Ted Schneider, Comments on the New Federal Overtime Rules Issued May 18, 2016 under the Fair Labor Standards Act Continue reading…

Employer Client Alert – New Heat Illness Prevention Regulations Effective May 1, 2015

The California Department of Industrial Relations, in conjunction with Cal/OSHA, announced amendments to the current heat illness prevention regulations.  The new law became effective May 1, 2015.  According to the DIR, the new heat illness prevention requirements offer additional safeguards for outdoor workers.  Revisions to the heat illness prevention regulation include the following:...

Employer Client Alert – New Heat Illness Prevention Regulations Effective May 1, 2015 Continue reading…

Client Alert – AB 2755 Signed Into Law Prohibiting “Non-Voting Directors” on Non-Profit Boards

Governor Jerry Brown signed AB 2755, which amends Corporations Code Section 5047, to make it clear that a person is only a director as defined in the statute if that person has the right to vote as a member of the governing body and that a person who is a director by virtue...

Client Alert – AB 2755 Signed Into Law Prohibiting “Non-Voting Directors” on Non-Profit Boards Continue reading…

California Law Now Provides New Protections for Employees of Temp Agencies and Labor Contractors

Governor Brown recently signed into legislation AB 1897.  With this new law, California will have some of the country's most comprehensive protections for temporary workers. The new law is designed to protect workers, including factory assemblers, hotel maids, warehouse workers, farm laborers, janitors, and food processors who often work for years at the...

California Law Now Provides New Protections for Employees of Temp Agencies and Labor Contractors Continue reading…

Starting July 1, 2015, Employees Are Entitled to Paid Sick Leave

Last week, the Governor signed into law AB 1522:  The Healthy Workplaces, Healthy Families Act of 2014.

Existing law authorizes, but does not require, employers to provide their employees paid sick leave.  This bill enacts the Healthy Workplaces, Healthy Families Act of 2014 to provide that an employee who, on or after...

Starting July 1, 2015, Employees Are Entitled to Paid Sick Leave Continue reading…